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General Behavior

  1. ​Respect and Courtesy: Show respect to teachers, staff, and fellow students at all times. Use polite language and gestures. Avoid using indecent or abusive language

  2. Punctuality: Students are expected to arrive at the school before the assembly bell. Latecomers may be required to provide a valid reason. Appropriate action will be taken against habitual latecomers to school.

  3. Attendance: Attend all classes regularly. Absences should be justified with a note from a parent or guardian. No student should leave the school campus during school hours. However, a student can be allowed to leave using an authorised gate-pass with the permission of the Principal / Vice-Principal, and only if parents themselves come to take them or delegate someone with an authorisation.

  4. Dress Code: Adhere to the school's dress code. Wear the prescribed uniform neatly and appropriately. A student, who is not habitually clean or not properly dressed in the school uniform, will be sent home. Bush-shirts are not to be worn.

  5. Property Respect: Respect school property and the belongings of others. Students must not scratch or spoil desk, write in chalk or pencil on the walls or in any way damage school property. Any damage should be reported immediately. Even if it is caused by accident, the damage has to be made good.

  6. Cleanliness: Keep the school premises clean. Use trash bins and refrain from littering.

  7. Prohibitions:















  • No “unauthorised” books, CDs, VCDs, Comics, or papers may be brought to school without the explicit permission of the Principal or the Vice-Principal. They are not permitted wear watches or jewellery or bring mobile phones, iPads, iPods, cameras or other electronic gadgets to school. The School is not responsible for loss of any goods belonging to the students.

  • Students are strictly prohibited to bring any dangerous articles such as knives, razor blades, guns, daggers, fire crackers, etc.

  • Students should not ride their bicycles or any other vehicles in the school campus. Bicycles must be kept locked in the bicycle shed. 9.

  • Students will not be allowed:​

                     i.   â€‹To raise subscriptions or collect any kind of funds.

                     ii.  To give gifts to the teachers or staff.

                     iii. To organise any picnic, excursion, tournament or fete without permission from the school authority


  • No one should be playing in the school grounds after sunset.

  • Rules on use of Motor Vehicles: Students below 16 years are legally prohibited from driving motor vehicles. The security personnel at the gate will be authorised to stop the students from entering the premises with motor vehicles. Parents are requested not to encourage their children to drive under age.

Classroom Conduct

  1. Preparedness: Come to class prepared with necessary materials (books, stationery, homework, etc.).

  2. Attention and Participation: Pay attention during lessons and participate actively in classroom activities.

  3. Homework and Assignments: Complete and submit homework and assignments on time.

  4. Classroom Behavior: Maintain silence when the teacher or another student is speaking. Raise your hand to ask questions or contribute.

  5. Lunch Box: Students must bring their snacks/lunch, etc. in the morning when they come to school. No student should have any parents/guardians assisting them to have snacks/lunch in the school.

Digital Conduct

  1. Device Use: Use electronic devices only with permission and for educational purposes. Personal use during school hours is prohibited.

  2. Internet Safety: Follow school guidelines for internet use. Avoid visiting inappropriate websites or engaging in cyberbullying.

Safety and Discipline

  1. Emergency Procedures: Be aware of and follow emergency procedures (fire drills, lockdowns, etc.).

  2. Bullying and Harassment: Refrain from bullying, harassment, or any form of discrimination. Report such incidents to a teacher or counsellor.

  3. Physical Conduct: Avoid physical altercations. Resolve conflicts peacefully and seek help from staff if needed. Students are expected to avoid shouting, whistling or running about in the school building.

Extracurricular Activities

  1. Participation: Actively participate in school clubs, sports, and other extracurricular activities as per your interests and capabilities. Especially, in cultural events, parades and drills during school observance days like Independence Day, Republic Day, Sports day, Annual Day, Founder’s Day, School Fete, Exhibitions, etc.

  2. Balance: Maintain a balance between academic responsibilities and extracurricular activities.

  3. Outings / picnics: During the activities and outings, the school takes all necessary care and precaution. In spite of this if any accident or mishap occurs, the school will not be held responsible or liable for the same.

Personal Responsibility

  1. Accountability: Take responsibility for your actions. Admit mistakes and learn from them.

  2. Goal Setting: Set personal academic and behavioral goals. Strive to achieve them with dedication and hard work.

  3. Health and Well-being: Take care of your health by eating well, exercising, and getting enough sleep. Seek help if you feel stressed or overwhelmed.

Respect for Rules

  1. Adherence: Follow all school rules and guidelines. Non-compliance may result in disciplinary action.

  2. Reporting Issues: Report any rule violations or issues to a teacher or school authority immediately.

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